Here are links to surveys conducted by the Midgam Project Web Panel, whose results were published in the Israeli media:

Netaniahu Index
Aired on "Headquarters" on Channel 10 on 07/11/2013

Crazy land: Failures of the state to implement its initiatives to lower real estate prices
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 04/12/2013

Crazy land: Stanley Fischer and real estate prices
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 02/12/2013

Crazy land: The state really wants to lower real estate prices?
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 01/12/2013

Netaniahu Index
Aired on "Headquarters" on Channel 10 on 05/10/2013 (starting from minute 34)

The new immigrants: What Israel do to return them home?
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 02/10/2013

The new immigrants: My friends call me traitor.
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 01/10/2013

The new immigrants: How they build an israeli community away from home.
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 30/09/2013

The new immigrants: I never had surplus in my bank account until Berlin.
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 29/09/2013

Channel 10 News Survey: 78% of israelis don't believe that Rouhani is honest about Iran's intentions.
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 29/09/2013

The great men survey
Posted on MAKO on 17/09/2013

The great women survey
Posted on MAKO on 17/09/2013

Paamonim survey
Aired on "TOCHNIT HISACHON" on Channel 2 - 01/09/2013

Channel 10 News Survey: 46% of parents don't intend to vaccinate their children against Poliomyelitis.
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 19/08/2013

Channel 10 News Survey: 76% of the Jewish-Israelis don't want the ultra-orthodox in the goverment.
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 28/02/2013

Channel 10 News Survey: 40% of the Jewish-Israelis don't want Lapid as the next PM.
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 24/01/2013

Quarter of Israeli-Jewish public: Our economic situation will be worse after the elections.
By Eliztpan Rosenberg - Posted on YNET on 14/01/2013

Is the Likud list more right-wing?
Aired on "election headquarters" on Channel 10 on 01/12/2012 (starting from minute 20)

vote for London and Kirschenbaum's party
Aired on "London and Kirschenbaum" on Channel 10 on 11/05/2012 (starting from minute 23)

Reducing your holiday table
By Omri Efraim - Posted on YNET on 08/31/2012

Channel 10 News Survey: 93% of respondents believe the government is not investing enough in welfare
Aired on the news broadcast on Channel 10, and published on NANA10 on 08/04/2011

Why anyone who lives in Tel-Aviv needs a shrink?
By Yoav Borovitz - published in "The City Mouse" on 16/02/2011

Homeschooling, private or professional: When parents do not trust the system
By Neta Halperin - published in "The City Mouse" on 07/01/2011

73% of respondents believe that Katzav received a fair trial
By Tomer Zarchin and Ofra Edelman - published in "Ha'Aretz" on 05/01/2011

Survey: Half of the youth admitted they would not want to learn in classroom with the Arab
By Or Kashti - published in "Ha'Aretz" on 06/9/2010

74% of the public: Punish those who expose security affairs
By Or Kashti - published in "Ha'Aretz" on 04/28/2010

Effective campaign of the week: Osem's nougat Bamba - received a score of 9.5 for the level of efficiency
By Ayala Tzoref - published in "The Marker" on 04/16/2009

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